Saturday, June 4, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Final

Dearest Diary,
Where shall such a young women as I begin with my reminiscences. I met a boy tonight at the Capulet party, or shall I say a handsome, charming, young lad. Fie, he hath took my heart and upfilled it with everlasting love and now I drown and melt as his face appears in my mind. As charming as he may be,  he is a Montague and therefore I aught not be with he. Only if our families ne’er fought, I could be with my fair Romeo. Instead they agree to Paris, a man known in the royal family, for I to wed. Nurse, father, and especially mother speak of it and I dos’t  not dare to listen. Mother asked me what I thought of a marriage with he, but I tell her “it is an honor that I dream not of”. For my heart does not go to him, but instead it belongs to Romeo. I stare off into the cool, midnight sky along my balcony awaiting for him to show. But whence will he show, for I miss him so dearly. I do pray to almighty God that he show and again share his loving words, and my virgin ears will listen. I fear what is to happen between us and if father with discover our secret,  but I shant not worry because I am happier than ever.

Juliet Capulet

P.S. His lips hath turned the midnight moon into the daylight sun. My breath he hath took tonight.

Dearest Diary,
        Romeo hath finally come to my window to visit me. My it was romantic. I sat upon my balcony awaiting for he after the Capulet party and he swept across the branches of frail and trees of high to see me. But only a man such as he would do such a brave thing. He first awaited in the bushes before he appeared. And when our eyes met, love filled the air and no one else seemed to matter. We discussed amongst many topics relating to our love, specifically our secret wedding. As I said, our families are near on edge of fight and nothing aught secure the hatred, so we must plan an event so secretive that no one shall know besides, Romeo, Nurse, Friar Lawrence, and I. Romeo is going to talk to Friar Lawrence, the “priest” of Verona who hath ne’er sinned before, and ask for a large favor to marry us. I wonder what Friar is going to say about his position such as this for he has two sides to please; the one of Romeo and I who are in love and awaiting for it to be confirmed and the side of our parents who wish not to ever hear of such a thing that we are about to do. Usually I would feel more sympathy towards my family, but this man I do love more than anything and until death do us part. I on the other hand shall talk to Nurse, for she is going to help as well, I hope. I do trust her, more than my mother for that matter and for that she is a mother to me. In fact, mothers would do anything to make their daughter happy right? I sure do hope she pleases me with the response she gives me when I mention the wedding. If things all work out the plan would go as follows, whence Romeo reaches Friar he will send a note to Nurse at home to deliver to me saying the time and place for I to arrive at. From there I shall sneak out and be married to Romeo. We will see how things go for we must it ever so swift and quietly.
 Fie what one will do for such strong love. It is ravishing isn’t it? But time and time again do I cry for “my only love sprung from my only hate!” or shall I say Capulet hate. What is the nonsense of this rivalry anyhow? That I will never understand. If only if only blue birds did sing and there would be happiness amongst us all, then Romeo and I wouldn’t have to worry the matter of being caught and scolded for life. My dreary days can go on and on, but the sleepless nights can only last so long. Maybe tonight will be the night that my sleepless nights turn to cheerful morrows.

Love Always,

Juliet Capulet

Oh Dearest Diary,
        We hath be wedded! We hath finally be wedded! I am now a mrs. and shall be referred to as one except no one may know how or why! Mrs. Juliet Montague, it sounds so royal and powerful. It is perfect! It is hard for me to believe that such a dream hath come true and the plan hath worked. I always knew Friar was a good man and would do us well. I always knew in the back of my mind that he was a well man. Now everything is settled and awaits our wedding night. My am I nervous but joyed at the same time. I do and so does nurse know what is to come tonight, fie a magical night! I must go get ready for it is not too long until the clock strikes 12. Hurray! Hurray! And after tonight, all that is left is for Romeo and I to be together forever someway somehow.  Seems another plan awaits us! Wish me good luck and fortune.

Juliet Capulet

Oh Dearest Diary,
        Fore my last entry was upfilled with joy and excitement, but this one is rather not. I ball and cry because he has been banished! Banished! Oh he is banished! He got in a fight of swords with Tybalt, my beloved cousin, and hath killed him or so they think. I am overwhelmed and don’t know what to think of such a thing. I morn of the fact that my dear cousin has died a severe bloody death, yet I morn of the man that killed my cousin and whom I love because I shall not see him any longer. I was cheering with hurray on mid day when plans were set in stone, but now I am worried and heartbroken that the plan of tonight hath changed path. I sure do hope that another plan is made for Romeo to come back mid night to see I and to fall in love all over again. I pray to thee, I pray to thee, almighty god, let me be with the one love of mine tonight and for the rest of eternity.

I will write soon,
 Juliet Capulet

Dear Diary,
        My oh my has the night been a whirlwind. First I am happy, then shocked and surprised, and now I am overjoyed. We made yet another plan to get Romeo to my balcony again for our wedding night. It must have been with the help of fate that this worked and for the placement of the stars. It was a very time oriented and restricted plan but it worked. I musn’t talk of what happened for it is a secret between he and I but I must admit that the time we had together was one I will never forget. But he is still banished and that not can I bare. Seeing him more and more makes it harder and harder not to be with he. Yet another plan in the process for I to be with him forever and that is what keeps my hopes and dreams high.

Juliet Capulet

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