Sunday, June 5, 2011

Romeo and Juliet 2

Dearest Diary,
                The plan was made again for this coming Thursday. Friar Lawrence will supply me a potion that will put me to sleep for a certain amount of time and everyone will think that I am dead. Then there will be a burial for me in my family’s grave. Then I will awake in time for Romeo to get me and then we can go off together and life will be well.
                Oh no, I just heard from my father and mother that I will be marrying Paris on Thursday! What they don’t know is that I am already wedded to Romeo and with that I shan’t be married to more than one man.  How could this be when I shall be “killed” that day and awake in my lovers arms? My eyes fill with dreaded tears of crushed dream for I know this could be the ending of my fairytale. Why shan’t I have the freedom to choose the one I love and have my parents affirm of such a verdict. I must talk to nurse about this for it is not right. She will agree with I, she will.

Juliet Capulet

Dearest Diary,
                My father have given me worse of news to bare. I be wedded to Paris tomorrow! Oh why could this be? Why is fate turning on us? “O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris. From off the battlements of any tower, or walk in thievish ways, or bid me lurk where serpents are. O, chain me with roaring bears”! I would do anything to not marry he. Although he seems to be a fine boy, I have barely ever met him and for that I shan’t love him. It was only true love at first sight whence mine eyes met Romeo’s.
And when I spoke with nurse about this retched marriage, she believed that it was better that I married Paris as well. Pardon my language but she is a bawdy, pale-hearted crutch. I thought she was my mother and was supposed to do I best. Or maybe this is what is best for me. Fie why would such words even escape from my tongue. I love Romeo and nothing shall change that. I will be with he even if it is in heaven. I will be with he!
                Oh yes, and not only do I want not to marry Paris, but this shall ruin the plan for I to sneak away with Romeo as well, but I am getting married morrow’s day and father’s mind won’t change. Romeo must find that the dates have changed and I shall be “dead” tomorrow rather than Thursday. A letter must be sent. I pray to the lord that he receives it, for if he doesn’t I suspect bad news and an unpleasant outcome. Dear lord and the heavenly stars, lead me and Romeo to our destiny and happiness.

Juliet Capulet

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