Sunday, June 5, 2011

Romeo and Juliet 4

Oh Diary,
                Fate did not help, but instead it went against. Romeo did come for me, though it seems. But he is dead! O, he hath be dead from poison! I could be hallucinating from the drug that I took earlier and Romeo may in fact not be dead. Oh that would be the happiest day of my life. Who am I to act a fool, Romeo is dead and that is reality. Who drove him to do such a thing and where did he get such poison? It must have been that poor, old salesman. What kind of vacant, evil-eyed snipe would sell such a thing? It should be banished too! But yet I am glad, for possibly Romeo hath left a drop for I to take as well, yet there is nothing. I kiss is lips hoping that some doth yet sit on them. O, nothing, nothing at all was left for me. Why Romeo, why? I love you so dearly, but now you are gone! I can’t bare this feeling any longer. Ah, such a startling noise. People are coming! O no, people are coming to see what hath happened down here! I must die for real this time or they may kill me themselves since I have sinned half a dozen times. I search to find a knife in Romeo’s pocket. “O happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die”! Goodbye Romeo. I do love thee for eternity

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