Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Writing Goals

  • use Synactic Devices- Style
  • use Literary Devices
  • Work on sentence variety
  • Take time editing and revising
  • Vocabulary variety
  • Sounding more mature in my papers


  1. Nice goals. I like the way you are very specific about what you want to imporove on. You should consider placing them on the sidebar as a gadget, because as you post more writing, they will get pushed to the bottom.

  2. For your last goal, I would talk to Mr. Johnson. I'm sure there are very definite techniques that you can use to make it sound like an older person wrote it. Maybe expanded vocabulary and advanced syntactic structure would help. I don't know. Ask Mr. Johnson.

  3. Thanks Jacob that is a good idea. I will do that. My goals are a little broad, i agree that I need to narrow them down.
