Thursday, October 1, 2009

Never Ending Mountains

The rough terrain

Beneath my feet

I can feel it

Pressure of the air

Strong and powerful

I climb up the ridged piece of land

Sweat drips from every part of me

Exhaustion and pain

Yet, I still have that drive

The drive to make it to the top

Hours and hours role on by

I am still pushing myself on

Smoldering hot sun beating down on my weak and tired body

Making the agony even worse

No water in sight

Just dry lifeless ground

It feels like Im not getting anywhere

My body so dehydrated

Nothing left in me

I think to myself....

How am I ever going to make it to the top?

1 comment:

  1. This is a cool poem about the struggles we all face in life. I would definitely keep this poem, and revisit it from time to time to see if you ever want to make changes to improve the meter, the cadence, or the sounds by switching up the word choice or spacing. Love it.
