Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Good Earth "Wang's uncle and the city"

In the novel, The Good Earth, Wang Lung-- on top of working in the fields--has new life, or as Wang Lung says "another mouth to feed", in his family. For these many children that he now has to care for, Wang also celebrates and welcomes them into this unpredictible place we call Earth. To this party, Wang's uncle was invited. The first impression I got of this young farmer's uncle was that he is disrespectful and unkind. All he talked about was how he only has daughters and no sons of his own. It was as though he was there to talk about his problems more or less Wang's new child. Complaining about his unattractive wife, it was as though nothing was going right for him in his life. He had no respect for his wife and only pointed out the flaws about her. Wang--being the thoughtful man he is--thought it was wrong to disrespect such a person. Wang knows he is not the richest man in the world, but what he does know is that he has a decent home that he and his family can live with no fears, unlike his uncle.

When a famine hits Wang Lung's town, he had no other choice but to head for the city in the south hoping to find a better lifestyle for his family. They came to the city not knowing what to expect, but praying for good fortune. When he and his family soon reached this city, Wang seemed a bit lost and confused. The only place he could go was by The Wall. The Wall was a wall that stretched far down the city where many homeless and unwealthy people lived. The only way to survive was to beg for money from pedestrians in the area. From living in the city, Wangs attitude changed. He had to learn how to adapt to the lifestyle of a poor city man. The one thing Wang stuggled with was there not being any signs of nature or earth. Wang loved his land he owned back in the town. Labor and hardwork was what he was used to. Many people today are living a life like Wang now. You need to learn to be without something you love sometimes because life is filled with unexpected changes. Wang had to learn how to be without his land, the land that heals him. By being away from it he was slowly fading away.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really well written response. You are almost seamlessly going from text evidence to your own thoughts, and that makes for a really good read. Do take a look at some of the errors, and a little of the careless stuff, especially towards tha start of the piece.
