Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Living in the Moment

The strength of the blazing sun is too overwhelming for my fragile body and sensitive skin to handle, but the rush of the cool breeze takes away the feeling of smoldering hot air against my face for just one second, and then it is gone in an instant. You could say that nothing could get any better than a living a life with the feeling of nothing left on your shoulders, but yet the feeling of having something to worry and think about is truly better. Why do I feel like nothing could go wrong? In a fantasy land like this one? There is nothing special about it. Maybe it is because it is something new, different, unique to what I experience every day, or maybe not.  It is warm and happy in this fantasy land, but where I am now it seems depressing and saddened with grey skies and chilled air. Although that sun was like boiling water on a stove making me want something cold to relieve the heat against my skin, when I face reality all I want is that sun again. Everything in life comes to an end at one point or another, I hate to say. This thought scares us all, but it is a fact of life and it has to happen no matter if it is the ending of life, a trip, or school.  You just have to live everything that you experience to the fullest. It will come to an end. You may or may not know when, but it will. An experience that you enjoyed should be something that you will never forget, and I know I will not forget this experience to the beautiful land of Naples, Florida.

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