Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Author's note: This is a poem about the novel, The Bean Trees, where a girl is confronted with a child named Turtle, and she grows to care and love for turtle. This poem has to do with teenagers and their choices with any situation.

Learning, Growing, Experiencing

Why do we act with such a sense of uninterest?
Like we don’t care or understand what is being said.
We only think of ourselves and ideas that we create.

Trouble is just another word.
It highly defines the average teenager.
What we put ourselves into .
But for a reason nobody can understand.
For a reason that I can’t understand myself.

This seven letter word has no significant meaning behind it.
So why do we portray ourselves to it?
The good out of it is more harmful than the dismay.

Our lives are not fair as teenagers.
Our parents are the rule makes of our lives.
Our thoughts may impact on our perspectives of fairness.
But what it comes down to is
The fine line your parents make between right and wrong.

Listening without words is often the best thing to do.
Understand the other side of the story before you make a decision.
Decisions are a part of life no matter how hard they are.

We as humans are very opinionated people.
We don’t react well when others prove our statements to be incorrect.
This is what causes trouble in our lives.
Learning to open up is self evident in the learning process of life.

That is what we as teenagers are doing.
We all make mistakes, but it’s just the matter of learning how to except

No need for more trouble
It’s just another seven letter word
With no significant meaning behind it

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