Monday, September 28, 2009

The Calming River

The rush of the water
Goes on and on and on
Never ending
The water hits the rocks
A calm soothing noise to the ear
A sense of purity
Crystal clear water
Giving rememberance of a new life
It shows how gentle the earth really is
Water has glimpses of sparkle
Here and there
Fog from the forest so moist
Rises through the dew-filled air
How can nature be so beautiful?
How can nature be so refreshing?
One deep breath
Taken to a place unimaginable
Once you get there
You don't want to leave


  1. I really like how you wove questions into your poem. I also like the phrase "rememberance of a new life." I honestly can't think of anything to improve it.

  2. Emma, this is a great poem. I love how at the end it says, "once you get there you don't want to leave" It's a great way to end the poem. Great job!

  3. I have no criticism for this poem, other than that you may try to incorporate some subtlety, let the reader guess what your poem is about.
