Friday, September 18, 2009


I fiddle my toes in the comforting sand and dream about nothing....nothing at all. The calm feeling of nothing....just listening, not thinking. I set my head back and shut my eyes. Now I am not worried of my surroundings. I can just dream of nothing. The water comes crashing along the shoreline, but I don't notice. All I hear is the still nothingness in the air. As the clouds pass the shadows give me a cold chill, but as the clouds move on and the sun appears again, I get a warm feeling that goes up and down my spine. I open my eyes once again and look at my surroundings. The wind creates a hush sound against the branches as the trees begin to sway. As I sit in the warm mushy sand i think about all that is good. All that is nothing.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this. While I read it, I wished we were journaling instead of writing a response today. It takes me far away from school, to a memory of the beach, and that's a great thing when writing can do that. Consider working this sort of entry into a poem next time to experiment with sound and spacing. Maybe even imitate the poet you are studying.

  2. That was a very relaxing post. I feel as if I was actually there--in the sand, by the water, on the beach. I really like how you said: "The calm feeling of nothing....just listening, not thinking.", it creates a vivid sense of what you are trying to describe, and what you were thinking. I love it!

  3. This was a really good made me feel like I was actually there! Everything you said created a clear image of what you are trying to describe :) Nice Job!!!

  4. You did a great job making me feel like I was actually there. Also I like how you repeated the word nothing. Great job.

  5. I really like your response. I thought it was well worded. I was able to picture myself there which was very cool.
