Monday, May 24, 2010

Color Against the Dark

In the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, a young boy named Christopher is a boy with rules that don’t seem to make sense about how to live life. I think Haddon is trying to relate Christopher to us when we were younger. The concept of innocence lays right out in front of you when you read this book. Christopher, with his disablility of autism, is just trying to make as much out of his time as he can. Many of us still wish we could be like Christopher and have the freedom to think in the ways he does; never lie, know everything in the world, base our days on colors. He doesn't worry about growing up and all of the "what if's", but instead he is derected to a different view of life; things that are not as obvious to us. This young boy never has a bad day. Is it we who decide to have our bad days, or is it others? It is our own decision; we choose who we are. Christopher--just a young boy--knows that life should always be filled with color and not even a speck of darkness belongs.